In twenty-plus years of her artistic career, Sasha Zhitneva amassed a truly diverse body of work. Glass always has been the primary reference medium she probed and explored through various techniques and methods, some of which were original to her.

Zhitneva’s glass art ranges from 15′ tall stained glass windows to 15″ fused panels resembling minute watercolor sketches, from cascading chandeliers to intricately painted portraits, not to mention her cast glass rings and kiln-formed necklaces. Changing scale, moving from fusible glass to antiques mouth-blown or glass that comes from recycled jars, she is constantly exploring the endless possibilities of the material.

Lately, her work has extended into a realm of other media, namely discarded plastic. Driven by the urge to respond to social, cultural, and environmental issues she feels passionate about, she created works on both large and intimate scale, some of which are shown here in reFused gallery.